Personal Comment.

Positive or Negative
We all have a choice. Wake up in the morning and make it a good day by searching for positive up beat moments. Or awakening to everything negative. Face it, it's much easier to be mad or angry, or to place blame on someone or something else for our personal obstacles, hurdles and challenges in life. The difficult road is accepting the bad, dealing with it and then moving on with life un-encumbered.
Many in the media and the cyberspace junkies out there attempt to create an atmosphere of doom and gloom based on reports of a real estate down turn in isolated areas of the country as if every single household in America and every market is suffering. Simply not true.
Every morning there is good news. Every morning there is bad news. Bad news gets more press because it sells news papers and makes for better headlines. But our choices are clear. Do we gravitate to the negative aspects of daily challenges and languish in pessimisms and complaints, or do we recognize these challenges, accept them and move on with positive resolve? Anyone who knows Kim and I, knows the road we'll be on... Make it a good day, even if it's not.
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