Fear The Market?

"The housing sector had been a robust propellant for economic growth...
... for much of the last few years. Between the fourth quarter of 2001 and the last quarter of 2005, real residential fixed investment (RFI) grew at an 8.4 percent annualized rate, compared with the 3.0 percent rate for real GDP."
The last ten to fifteen years have turned the typical home buyer into a would be invester/business person without the proper tools to run their business, by wanting their cake and eating it too. In short, the homebuyer of the past would search for a place to relax, cook, and seek shelter from the cold. A place to provide children with rooms to play and a yard to throw frisbees or play catch. But today's homebuyer is seeking "Resale Value" in their home. Shopping for the best school district, not only for their own kids , but for the children of the next owners once they decide it's time to sell and move up to a bigger home using their gained equity as a down payment. Not a bad plan, right? Buying a home to suit your family needs should be your first and foremost concern. Does the home provide room for a growing family? Do you plan on more family members? Kids ya know, and if so, you'll need more space. Is the garage large enough for your vehicles? Do you have an R.V. that needs covered parking? Will you be able to live in the home without major renovations? These of course are just some considerations to make when looking for a home and not one of them pertained to "Resale Value". Shop for the home that fits your family needs and budget and if your lucky, home equity will be the icing on the cake...
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