Constitutional Right To Own a Home?

All kidding aside, I've heard it said that we have a 'right' to affordable housing. I've also heard plenty of other things. A 'right' to have affordable health care. A 'right' to an Education. A 'right' to affordable prescription drugs.
No matter where you go someone believes they have a "right" or an entitlement. Well I'm sorry to say...You don't!
Nowhere in the Constitution or the Bill Of Rights do we have a right to any of the aforementioned items. We are privileged to live in a country that allows us the opportunity to buy a home. If we work for it . Health care is there, if we work for it. A quality education is there, if we work for it. Prescription drugs are there, if we work for them.
So why didn't the founding fathers write in the constitution the right to all those things. I guess they wanted all Americans to work for them...
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