For all the the wary buyers out there (you know who you are) sitting on the side lines waiting for the market to sweeten up--your fruit is ripe for pick'n. Prices have settled down over the course of the last year or so to a reasonable level, inventory is higher than normal which makes for a competitive atmosphere for motivated sellers and the Federal Reserve with the precision of a clever weilding butcher just cut interest rate by 3/4 making it the steepest cut since 1984. Read Full Article Here. In other words....The time to buy a house is NOW!
The Puget Sound region has been somewhat inoculated from the huge market fluctuations experienced in other areas of the country. September 2006 Panic Not My Puget Sound Neighbors. Rejoice. Mainly due to it's highly desirable geographical location and diverse and mostly stable jobs market, not to mention the beautiful ocean and mountain scenery from East to West.
As of December 2007 home prices around the Puget Sound Region have still realized marginal yet welcomed increases in value unlike our neighboring states, making this the right time to buy a home In Pierce, King, Thurston and other counties around the beautiful Puget Sound Region.
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