Weeding Out The Bad Apples

As in every industry there’s a few bad apples in the bunch. But they don’t spoil the entire group do they? I say No! You must distinguish between the good apples and the bad ones. Eat the good ones and throw out the bad or at least set them aside and let them rot away on their own
Let’s talk about the Real Estate industry. A revolving door industry, where new agents come in and go out daily. Now I don’t believe for one minute that people come into the industry with intentions of purposely misleading the public. I believe that within our highly regulated and scrutinized industry folks just get carried way in the moment...Try to out sell or out produce the next top agent. Now I could be wrong, but I hope not. The end result of this competition are guarantees and promises that can’t possibly be fulfilled within the parameters of an individuals reasonable expectations.
Let’s talk about the Real Estate industry. A revolving door industry, where new agents come in and go out daily. Now I don’t believe for one minute that people come into the industry with intentions of purposely misleading the public. I believe that within our highly regulated and scrutinized industry folks just get carried way in the moment...Try to out sell or out produce the next top agent. Now I could be wrong, but I hope not. The end result of this competition are guarantees and promises that can’t possibly be fulfilled within the parameters of an individuals reasonable expectations.
I was online looking at some of the mortgage companies and other guarantees that were claiming to possess the ability to get anyone approved regardless of credit, job history, bankruptcy and so forth. The fact is, unfortunately, not everyone can afford to buy a home. There comes a point when one needs to evaluate their actions, take inventory and simply ask themselves if what they’re doing right. Is it moral. Is it ethical. And more importantly, who benefits in the end. Meaning at the end of the day are YOU the agent or lender, or is the client ultimately achieving their goal, and is that goal realistic and sustainable? Bottom line is that it’s not always in the best interests of buyers to buy and sellers to sell and it’s imperative for professionals within the real estate industry to assure the general public that our moral compass is pointing in the right direction at all times.
So whether you’re thinking of selling a home or browsing the market place thinking of buying your first home, be careful to choose a Realtor and Lender who has your best interest in mind. One who’s not afraid of telling you the truth. One who councils and consults instead of sells.
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